Willeke Klaassen

I am Willeke Klaassen


This is my happy place

my studio in the woods

the woods, my inspiration

wonder, delight

I’m inviting you

to a smile

discover, experience

enjoy yourself


A moment of peace, reflection and joy on a daily basis.

memory bundle

Cherish the memory of a loved one.


Be proud of your own work of art!


Discover new paths in creativity

Exhibition in the office of ZP&co, guestbook entry:

I discovered your beautiful work here! It touched my heart and breathless for a moment”. D.v.L.


Imaging your company:

Astounding result! A workshop to support people in a company wanting to work together in a different and innovative way.

We can work with what we discussed  and develop from there.


Rieneke van Twillert

Volle Kracht Trainingen